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RQX SYSTEM - Treinos em casa

Conquiste o corpo e a barriga dos sonhos com apenas 12 minutos por dia no conforto da sua casa e sem a necessidade de equipamentos Faa o download dos vdeos para assistir quando e onde quiser Continue a reproduo de vdeo em segundo plano incluindo streaming Receba notificaes com acesso aos nossos contedos exclusivos pelo aplicativo Utilize nossa comunidade para interagir com outros usurios trocar experincias e ficar por dentro das nossas novidades Programa de Emagrecimento ganho de massa muscular e definio que utiliza mtodo comprovado cientificamente que j transformou a vida e o corpo de milhares de mulheres Os Programas so compostos por vdeo aulas simples e prticas Meu nome Raquel Quartiero e sou idealizadora do RQX System que j transformou a vida de milhares de pessoas ajudandoas a conquistar a confiana o corpo e mente saudvel que sempre sonharam Minha misso levar empoderamento e felicidade para o maior nmero de pessoas atravs dos 3 pilares de estilo de vida saudvel mentalidade nutrio e boa forma O maior objetivo colaborar para que as pessoas conquistem o corpo e barriga dos sonhos e se tornem suas melhores verses tenham sade boa forma fsica mental e emocional sejam mais felizes e colaborem em construir um mundo melhor Fao isso fornecendo os melhores contedos produtos e servios sobre boa forma nutrio e mentalidade BAIXE O APLICATIVO E SEJA SUA MELHOR VERSO O aplicativo poder utilizar processamento em primeiro plano para redimensionamento download e processamento de vdeos O aplicativo utiliza playback de mdia para reproduo de vdeo em segundo plano incluindo streaming Termos de uso https//rqxsystemcombr/termosdeuso/ Poltica de privacidade https//rqxsystemcombr/politicasdeprivacidade/
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StrengthApp | StrengthFarm

StrengthApp powered by StrengthFarm is designed to help anyone anywhere get stronger from the ground up and inside out StrengthApps program utilizes a systematic approach and algorithm designed by a Professional Strength Coach to generate strength training plans StrengthApp contains a combination of foundational strength training intermediate strength exercises and advanced strength movements paired with plyometrics anaerobic conditioning joint stability and mobility exercises used by Licensed Physical Therapists around the world to build relative strength and reduce injury risk during sports and life activities StrengthApp powered by StrengthFarm contains 3 programs TRAIN FOR LIFE strength training with the purpose of supporting a healthy and balanced lifestyle Whether your schedule allows for training 1x per week or 4x per week our training plans will help you build strength conditioning and mobility The goal here is to stay consistent and train with longterm goals in mind SPORTS PERFORMANCE built for the former and current athletes interested in training to build and maintain their athletic abilities No matter which sport you participate in our training plans will help improve your relative strength speed conditioning and mobility We built the StrengthApp Sports Performance program to help limit injury and improve your sports performance TACTICAL PERFORMANCE for militaryminded personnel training to stay fit for the fight to prepare for military police amp firefighter service Our program will help you increase your strength improve your PT scores and give you a plan to follow from anywhere in the world StrengthApp powered by StrengthFarm places emphasis on helping anyone anywhere GET STRONGER from the ground up and inside out Our multidisciplinary method and patented strength training system will help you increase your strengthtobodyweight ratio known as relative strength Relative strength has been shown by numerous studies to be the best indicator of durability longevity and injury prevention for people of all ages After you sign up for a free 30day trial you will be provided a custom strength training plan based on your bio measurements and physical assessment The physical assessment measures your broad jump distance and plank hold time to generate your Strength Score Your Strength Score unlocks your custom strength program that cycles every 4 weeks at 4 days per week Each day StrengthApp will provide you with a new custom workout consisting of 4 movements to perform 4 rounds before your workout is complete StrengthApp powered by StrengthFarm Features Custom Strength Training HowTo Instructional Videos Performance Testing Progress Tracking Leaderboards StrengthApp powered by StrengthFarm will automatically bill your Google Play Account at the end of your subscription or 30day free trial period unless autorenew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of your current period Subscriptions renew at any time and still receive full functionality until the end of your current period but no refund can be provided for unused portions of the subscription Any unused portion of a free trial period if offered will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication where applicable These prices are for customers in the United States and may vary depending on your Account settings Inapp purchases and subscriptions cannot be shared using Family Sharing
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Академия льда

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Budokan Sports and Arts

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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호