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MA GPX: Create, Edit GPS track

Better than a hiking GPS MA GPX is the complete hiking application Prepare your GPS tracks You import your tracks from KML or GPX files and modify them as you want You draw the track instantly obtain the distance and then the measurement of the elevation To create the track you draw the track with your finger you can stretch it delete sections cut it add sections Your tracks are stored in the tracks history You can then resume each of the tracks You display your tracks on the map share them with your friends or simply display profiles and statistics Offline Maps outdoor activities To be guaranteed to get the necessary maps of outdoor activities you download maps by advance You download the maps from a predefined area on the map or simply from a track to follow The cache containing the downloaded maps can be viewed to obtain the size rate Outdoors Thanks to the quality screen of your smartphone MA GPX replaces any hiking GPS as you can see on the map your position at any time display the tracks of your choice display statistical data altitudes distances breaks speeds percentage of slopes and instantaneous speed save your road save points of interest POI on your track Make a sight line with the compass of your device to obtain the point in sight The azimuth will be plotted on the map at the target point And from the voice guide you are able to to be guided by the sound assistance to follow a route to listen to the directions and the deviations from the trajectory to suspend or resume guidance at any time to change the route to follow at any time Maps Many quality maps are available such as Swiss France Belgian Spanish maps and many more You have access to specific layers overlay maps allowing to obtain the inclination of the terrain to obtain the OpenStreetMap paths to obtain the European paths of great hikes Other features Useful feature are available such as Share your position by SMS or email In an emergency for example Save or restore all your tracks in a single operation Obtain the geographic coordinates of a point and share it Search a geographic position on the map from latitude and longitude or place name View or edit the tracks of your choice when the GPX file contains several tracks Merge a track composed of several tracks Add POI to track Cut the track into several sections Easily resume each modification from the quotUndo/Redoquot buttons Conclusion This application is ideal for preparing and carrying out many outdoor activities Hiking Running Trail Mountain biking Skiing Horseback riding Racket Hunt Mushroom picking Help / Support Help is available in the main menu under quotHelpquot For problems encountered improvements contact supportmalogicielcom
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Cutem loose Explore more Track your dogs real time with Dogtra PATHFINDER2 The new PATHFINDER2 is NOT compatible with PATHFINDER series A feature packed new Dogtra PATHFINDER2 is a complete GPS tracking system with a FREE real time tracking and training app with FREE map trailing up to 21 dogs concurrently within a 9mile range Range may vary depending on terrain and your surroundings The app is also available on a smart watch Paired with a new GPS Connectors tactile ECOLLAR FUNCTION button PATHFINDER2 is more optimized for action without interruption The Dogtra PATHFINDER2 has enhanced ecollar commands Nick/Constant stimulation Tone plus new Pager Vibration and LED Locate light The Dogtra PATHFINDER2 has updated GPS fence options which now includes EFence along with GeoFence and MobileFence You can also share tracking with other PATHFINDER2 users select notification preset per activity type put GPS receivers to sleep mode have GPS Connector to alert Bluetooth range or beep to locate itself and use custom offline maps The Dogtra PATHFINDER2 app requires the Dogtra PATHFINDER2 system to operate The Dogtra PATHFINDER2 app works with iOS 121 or Android 60 and up with Bluetooth 50 The Dogtra PATHFINDER2 app works with Apple Watch series 5 and up or Samsung Galaxy Watch4 series PATHFINDER2 is NOT compatible with PATHFINDER PATHFINDER SE PATHFINDER TRX PATHFINDER MINI PATHFINDER2 is now available on Wear OS Realtime dog location Dog training PATHFINDER2 on Wear OS must be synced with your PATHFINDER2 on mobile
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스마트무브 - 대중교통, 자전거, 킥보드, 길찾기

스마트무브는 모든 이동수단의 실시간 정보와 장소검색 길 찾기를 깔끔하고 친숙한 UI로 제공합니다 지금 바로 스마트무브로 더욱 편리해지는 이동을 경험해 보세요 1 처음 가는 장소도 걱정 없는 스마트한 길 찾기 대중교통 공유 자전거 전동 킥보드 도보 등 이동수단을 검색하고 단일 또는 결합된 최적의 경로를 제공해요 실시간 위치기반의 길 안내 모드로 경로를 따라가면 언제나 자신 있게 목적지에 도착할 수 있어요 2 한눈에 확인하는 전국의 버스 지하철 실시간 정보 주변의 버스 노선 지하철 역을 확인하고 도착시간을 간편하게 확인해보세요 목적지까지 가는 경로에서도 실시간 도착정보를 쉽게 확인할 수 있어요 3 다양한 공유 자전거 전동 킥보드 조회 따릉이 타슈 타고가야 누비자 어울링 등 전국의 공공자전거 위치 및 현황을 확인할 수 있어요 에브리바이크 발켄M 지쿠 플라워로드 등 주변의 공유 자전거 전동 킥보드 위치도 바로 확인해보세요 4 고민을 덜어주는 추천 장소 약속장소 찾기 꼭 가봐야 할 테마별 추천 장소와 맞춤형 길 찾기까지 한 번에 이용해 보세요 약속 장소 찾기로 중간 지점과 주변 추천 장소를 간편하게 찾고 일정 등록 장소공유로 만남을 쉽게 계획해 보세요 5 빠르게 확인하는 원 클릭 즐겨 찾기 주변 검색 메인 화면에서 한번의 터치로 즐겨찾는 장소의 경로와 주변 이동수단을 빠르게 검색해보세요 한번의 로그인으로 나만의 즐겨 찾는 장소를 백업하고 언제든 불러와 계속 사용할 수 있어요 선택적 접근 권한 안내 위치 현 위치 기반 주변검색 및 경로 검색 길 안내에 이용 알림 길 안내 및 일정 알림에 이용 선택적 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 이외 서비스는 이용 가능하며 아래 방법으로 접근권한 동의를 철회할 수 있습니다 설정gt 애플리케이션 관리gt 앱 선택gt 권한에서 동의 또는 철회 선택 앱 이용 관련 문의 및 불편 사항은 앱 하단 탭gt 더보기gt 문의하기 메뉴로 접수 부탁드립니다 개발자 연락처 smartermovedoppelsoftnet 03180382832
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호