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Pilatesliebe - Pilates Workout

Pilates der neue Online Fitnesstrend fr Frauen der darauf ausgelegt ist dich schlanker fitter straffer und mental strker zu machen ber 200 gefhrte Trainings Videos fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene jederzeit verfgbar Gezieltes Training fr deine Fitness Beweglichkeit einen starken Rcken den Beckenboden und noch viel mehr Gefhrte Meditationen Regelmiges Live Training Mission des Monats fr ein ausgeglichenes Leben Challenges Podcast Episoden Blog Artikel zum Thema Fitness Gesundheit Ernhrung Lifestyle Eine wundervolle Community Gefhrtes Training mit einer ECHTEN Person Lade dir jetzt die Pilates liebe App herunter und starte deine kostenlose Testphase Zugriff auf alle Inhalte Kennst du dieses Gefhl Du mchtest so gerne etwas fr dich tun weit aber nicht wo du anfangen sollst oder deine Zeit lsst es einfach nicht zu Vielleicht hast du viel zu tun musst Familie Freunde Job und Haushalt unter einen Hut bringen und stellst dabei deine eigenen Bedrfnisse hintenan Wir knnen das so gut nachempfinden und wir wissen wie schnell wir uns damit berfordert fhlen knnen Bist du nicht auch davon genervt und gestresst und fragst dich stndig warum du es einfach nicht schaffst motiviert zu bleiben Star Trainerin Jennifer war genau an diesem Punkt und sie zeigt dir mit ihrer ber 20 jhrigen und ber 15000 Stunden Erfahrung als Trainerin Ausbilderin und Referentin in Studios FitnessSchulen und Events sowie Buch Autorin eine vllig neue Perspektive die dir die Augen ffnen wird Alles was du brauchst hast du immer bei dir Deine Personal Trainerin in deiner Tasche Jetzt die Pilatesliebe App herunterladen Whle dein Paket Teste 7 Tage gratis Zugriff auf alle Inhalte Jetzt fllig 000 Du kannst jederzeit mit einem Klick im App Store kndigen Nach dem GratisProbezeitraum beginnt deine Mitgliedschaft Alle Zahlungen werden ber Ihr GoogleKonto abgewickelt und knnen nach der ersten Zahlung in den Kontoeinstellungen verwaltet werden Abonnementzahlungen verlngern sich automatisch sofern sie nicht mindestens 24 Stunden vor dem Ende des aktuellen Zyklus deaktiviert werden Ihr Konto wird mindestens 24 Stunden vor dem Ende des aktuellen Zyklus fr die Verlngerung belastet Jeder ungenutzte Teil Ihrer kostenlosen Testversion verfllt bei Zahlung Stornierungen entstehen durch das Deaktivieren der automatischen Verlngerung
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트랙핏: PT와 개인운동, 기록부터 관리까지 한번에!

헬스 트레이너와 함께하는 PT 혹은 혼자서 하는 운동 모든 것을 39트랙핏39에서 쉽게 기록하고 관리하세요 식단조절 운동 부위 몸무게 변화 등의 정보를 간단하게 체크하고 당신의 운동 데이터를 39트랙핏TRACKFIT39의 경과 보고서에서 한 눈에 확인하세요 39트랙핏TRACKFIT39은 당신의 운동 데이터를 분석하여 개인 맞춤형 운동 인사이트를 제공해요 당신의 운동 패턴과 습관을 파악하고 어떤 부분을 개선할 수 있는지 알아보세요 운동 스케줄 관리가 필요하다면 39트랙핏TRACKFIT39의 캘린더 기능을 활용하세요 운동 일정을 쉽게 관리하고 일정에 맞춰 운동을 할 수 있게 도와드려요 이 앱은 특히 PT를 받는 분들에게 매우 유용하게 디자인 되었어요 디테일한 기록에 어려움을 느꼈던 분 PT 과정을 기록하고자 하는 분 꾸준한 PT는 받고 있지만 관리가 원활하지 않은 분 자신의 변화를 구체적으로 파악하고 싶은 분 평소 운동 기록하기가 번거로웠던 분 이제는 트랙핏과 함께하면 모든 것이 간편해집니다 PT 스케줄 뿐만 아니라 PT를 받지 않는 날의 개인운동도 손쉽게 체크할 수 있어요 각각의 스케줄을 따로 저장할 수 있으며 특정 트레이너와의 PT에서 어떤 변화가 있었는지도 한 눈에 파악 가능합니다 기록만으로도 효과적인 몸 관리를 경험해보세요 진행상황 운동의 변화를 보다 명확히 파악하세요 눈바디 및 식단 사진을 업로드하고 그 변화를 실시간으로 경험해보세요 기록 업로드한 사진들은 간편하게 모아보세요 사진첩 같은 갤러리에서 진행상황을 한 눈에 확인 가능합니다 경과보고서 운동 데이터를 기반으로 더 깊고 다양한 분석을 제공합니다 AI 어시스턴트와 함께 개인 맞춤형 동기부여 메시지를 받아보세요 프리미엄 캘린더 일상 속 운동 스케줄을 더욱 효과적으로 관리하세요 운동한 날 어떤 부위를 집중적으로 운동했는지 손쉽게 표시와 확인이 가능합니다 운동 기록의 모든 것 39트랙핏39에서 한 번에 해결하세요 개발자 연락처 IDEA ESC COLTD 48 Digitalro 33gil Gurogu 구로구 서울특별시 08377 South Korea 4148107711 4148107711 본인 직접 신고
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Caliber Strength Training

Caliber is a comprehensive training program that incorporates strength amp conditioning nutrition and habit formation to help you achieve your fitness goals Train on your own for free via the Caliber app or work with a Caliber coach for even faster progress towards your goals All workouts are based on Calibers sciencebased training methodology which produces measurable improvements to your body composition via efficient workouts that are personalized to your level of experience and equipment on hand FEATURES OF THE CALIBER APP Personalized Training Plans Your Caliber workouts are designed just for you based on your experience level and equipment No gym required Detailed Exercise Tutorials Learn even the most complex exercises with easytofollow videos and expert takeaways from the Caliber coaching team Weekly Training Lessons Designed for all experience levels Caliber Lessons reveal best practices as well as common mistakes across workouts nutrition and habit formation Cardio Tracking See your cardio workouts alongside your strength workouts automatically imported from your fitness wearable or connected device Nutrition Tracking Connect to your favorite food logging app for integrated calorie and macro tracking alongside your workouts Strength Score See how strong you are relative to your potential track your progress each week and watch your body composition change over time Strength Balance Improve your posture and mobility by optimizing for balance across your major muscle groups BENEFITS OF WORKING WITH CALIBER COACH OPTIONAL Caliber members who work with a coach achieve a 40 improvement in their body composition by Week 12 of the program on average Caliber members who work with a coach complete an average of 17 workouts per month Caliber coaches are highly vetted accredited personal trainers who are among the top 1 in their field Your coach is matched to you based on your specific needs and preferred coaching style ensuring an excellent fit from Day 1 Your coach will design a custom training and nutrition program to achieve your goals Then your coach will partner with you to keep you motivated and accountable via 1on1 instruction text and video checkins form reviews and Zoom strategy calls Unlike hiring an inperson trainer Caliber coaches have realtime access to your workout and nutrition data which they use to deliver highly personalized and actionable recommendations Your coach is available 24x7 and will respond to you the same day typically within a few hours Caliber coaching members rate the program 49 out of 5 on TrustPilot For detailed reviews from current Caliber members visit our TrustPilot page at https//wwwtrustpilotcom/review/caliberstrongcom
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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호