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Higher Self

Dein spirituelles Fitnessstudio Lebe ein erflltes selbstbestimmtes und ausgeglichenes Leben mit der Higher Self App Jede Woche neue Inspirationen fr deine Spiritualitt sowie Tools und Techniken von Deutschlands erfolgreichstem Spiritual Life Coach Laura Malina Seiler Whle in der App aus ber 40 Meditationen Powertalks EFT und Coaching Sessions und verbinde dich mit deinem Higher Self Zudem kannst du von berall aus ber die App auch auf die Onlinekurse Rise Up amp Shine Uni 2021 Vergebungskurs und Higher Self Home zugreifen Die Higher Self App gibt dir die Mglichkeit dich von Life Coach Laura Malina Seiler mit OnlineTrainings Voice Messages Affirmationen und vielem mehr auf deinem spirituellen Weg hin zu mehr Achtsamkeit Selbstliebe und Glck in deinem Leben begleiten zu lassen Diese App ist dein spirituelles Fitnessstudio und du kannst dir damit jederzeit egal wo du bist etwas Gutes tun Alles fr dein Higher Self per App in deiner Hosentasche Fr mehr Achtsamkeit in deinem Alltag kannst du viele Inhalte herunterladen und jederzeit offline abrufen Mit dem Premium Abo erhltst du zustzlich Zugang zu Masterclasses von Life Coach Laura Malina Seiler Diese gibt es nur in der App Uplifting Input fr dein Higher Self in Form von Videos Meditationen uvm wie die Selbstliebe Masterclass und die 7 Tage Intensiv Meditation Masterclass Erschaffe dir mit der App ein glckliches und erflltes Leben ffne dein Herz und lse Blockaden mit Untersttzung von Life Coach Laura Malina Seiler In der Higher Self App erwartet dich Meditationen Adventskalender OnlineTrainings EFT Sessions Challenges Podcast Episoden und vieles Mehr fr deine spirituelle Fitness Egal wo du bist die Higher Self App hilft dir mit Meditationen Powertalks und vielem mehr jederzeit auf deiner spirituellen Reise weiter zu kommen Ein digitales Fitnessstudio fr deine Spiritualitt Trete mit Life Coach Laura Malina Seiler in Verbindung und lass dich von ihr begleiten und untersttzen Ganz einfach per App auf deinem Smartphone
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Workout at home or at the gym with FitnessAIs advanced training algorithm to guide you through the perfect set rep and weight combination to reach your fitness goals Get results with whatever equipment you have available to you Whether your fitness goals are to build muscle get toned or lose weight fast FitnessAI is the simplest way to access a world class training regiment Our easy to follow gym and home workouts are backed by data not intuition FitnessAIs simple layout allows for easy exercise tracking for your full body workout FitnessAI plans your gym sessions and optimizing for health strength and fitness Its algorithm offers high rep modes to help you get toned as well as advanced progressive overload optimizations to help you build mass while weight lifting Get stronger faster at home or the gym Your personal trainer in your pocket offers the most effective gym / home exercises that target your back biceps chest triceps shoulder legs core workouts and weight lifting ab exercises Specializing in both beginner weight lifting exercises and advance strength training techniques FitnessAI is sure to help you at the gym The best weight lifting app / best weightlifting gym routine designed by weightlifters for weightlifters Based on 59M workouts our innovative algorithm is sure to outperform any human personal trainer or fitness coach at the gym Not to mention its a fraction of the cost and smarter Finally a weight lifting app that does what a weight lifting app is meant to do Optimized gym workouts make your weight lifting routine as efficient as possible at the gym Our gym routine is top notch and sure to help you get stronger and reach your fitness goals Set your mind on a workout or fitness goal and let Fitness AI do the rest Smart exercise planner schedules weightlifting exercises on a better schedule than common 5x5 routines Whether youre lifting with free weights barbells or machines FitnessAIs gym log and tracker is sure to exceed your weight lifting expectations A personalized weight lifting plan to get you leaner stronger or bigger faster than any personal trainer or fitness coach you find at the gym Build your workout based on your strengthtraining history Log your exercises and FitnessAIs algorithm will do the rest Fitness AI builds you a personalized daily weight lifting and cardio plan that pushes you to your limits at the gym Fitness AI automatically optimizes weight lifting sets reps and weights for each exercise every time you work out pushing you the perfect amount to build muscle efficiently Much better than a gym trainer Our algorithm is based on 40k weight lifters and gym goers over a 3year period one of the largest weightlifting datasets in the world Our personalized weightlifting routine is balanced and boosts major muscle groups Toggle between weight lifting workouts each day at the gym Weight lifting schedule incredibly easy to use focus on your fitness workout not your phone or your gym trainer Privacy Policy https//wwwfitnessaicom/privacy Terms of Use https//wwwfitnessaicom/terms Support hellofitnessaicom
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Méditer avec Medit'Solutions

Aprs plus de 10 ans passs accompagner des personnes moins souffrir dvelopper leur leadership augmenter leur bientre dvelopper leur confiance en eux en les initiant entre autres aux techniques de respiration et la mditation de pleine conscience  aprs plus de 10 passs constater les bienfaits de cette pratique mais la difficult quavaient les personnes pratiquer une fois rentres chez elles il nous a paru vident quun support pour les accompagner tait ncessaire et MeditSolutions a vu le jour Les neurosciences sont formels  pratiquer la pleine conscience rgulirement contribue rduire le stress et les anxits dvelopper lattention et la crativit aurait un impact positif sur le vieillissement cellulaire et nous rend heureux  Aprs 20 minutes de pratique le corps double sa production de srotonine lhormone du bonheur et aprs environ 8 heures de pratique cumules la morphologie mme du cerveau se modifie notamment autour de la partie responsable de la rgulation motionnelle permettant ainsi un bientre durable de sinstaller La mditation de pleine conscience vous aide vous ancrer dans le prsent et moins ruminer les choses du pass ou vous inquiter propos des choses venir Vous apprenez savourer ce qui est et accepter ce qui ne peut pas tre chang Alors que propose MeditSolutions  Un parcours pdagogique pour que progressivement vous puissiez approfondir votre pratique et bnficier de tous les bienfaits de la mditation de pleine conscience Les mditations guides deviennent donc de moins en moins guids et cela pour des temps de plus en plus longs Vous avez galement un coach virtuel qui vous accompagne et vous guide travers lapplication Des minividos ont t cres pour vous guider et votre avatar tmoignera de vos progrs en voluant progressivement Nous avons aussi conu une section pour les enfants pour leur apprendre se poser et calmer leurs motions mais galement pour les aider renforcer leur estime et leur confiance en eux Vous pouvez galement exprimenter avec des visualisations pour entrainer votre mental aborder la vie de manire positive pour vous Le cerveau ne fait pas la diffrence entre le rel et limaginaire il croit simplement ce que vous lui dites Lentrainement mental une technique utilise aujourdhui par les grands sportifs devient alors la solution pour le conditionner aborder les dfis de la vie avec confiance et optimisme Nous esprons quen utilisant cette application vous trouverez comment vous accorder un peu de temps tous les jours pour amliorer considrablement la qualit de votre vie et par ricochet celle des personnes qui vous entourent Alexandra De La Cruz Directrice et Fondatrice daa solutions
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Diva by Eva

The Menstrual Health and Care application DIVA is specifically designed to help adolescent girls and young women to learn more about their bodies and menstrual health It is modelled after a menstrual period tracking app but with the aim to help girls prevent pregnancy and maintain good menstrual hygiene This application challenges the negativity and shame around menstruation It helps girls and young women to love and take control of their bodies Key features Set up Cycle After you download and install the Application you are requested to input some information about your menstrual period which would be used to set up your menstrual cycle Period This is a calendar view that shows all daily information inputted in the dashboard This section also shows expected days for periods ovulation and fertile window etc Learn This is an information hub of the Diva App It has two parts Read Here you have access to accurate information on a load of topics relating to pregnancy menstruation and menstrual hygiene etc Watch This is where you can watch videos on some of the articles you have read The short video clips on menstrual hygiene how to use a sanitary pd tampons etc are very educative ASK You can get further information counseling or clarification from our trained counselors in this section Referrals to health service providers are also provided for those who might need further attention Several options are available for you to communicate you can send text messages FREE to the short code 38120 on MTN Airtel and Glo Also available is WhatsApp chat and through emails Just include your Age Sex and location
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PrideGYM Жуковский

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브랜드 소프트쉐어

대표 김동영

사업자번호 428-81-02729

통신판매업신고번호 2023-부산해운대-0096호

개인정보책임자 김동영

주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로 78, 센텀그린타워 504호